Using Gradient Fills

A gradient is a fill that makes a gradual transition between colors. Gradients can add more realistic depth to a drawing and provide a less mechanical feel to many illustrations. You can create linear, radial, and square gradient fills.

Linear gradients are the simplest of the three, with a gradual fade of one color to another in a specified direction within an object.

Radial (circular) and square gradients fade from one color in the inner part of the fill to another color in the outer part of the fill. A radial gradient fades from one color in the inner part to the outer part in a circular pattern.

A Square gradient fades from one color in the inner part to the outer part in a square pattern.

A conical gradient fades from one color to another color in a sweep around a point, creating a cone-shaped fill.

A simple gradient fill fades from any one selected color to any other selected color. Designer even lets you use gradient fills made up of many colors. For example, you can easily create rainbow effects.

You choose the two or more colors used in a gradient fill on the Object Format dialog box.

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